Eastbrook Homes (P5 Land InvestmentsLLC) is apparently no longer interested in being a "good neighbor" to SLTWP.
They have filed a suit against SLTWP and are requesting R2 zoning and damages.
Yes, Mic & Mike are angry they don't get to build 353-400 homes in our neighborhood. They were not satisfied with R1 that would have offered them 281-300.
These people and their company do not belong in Spring Lake, their values are NOT our values.
This is far from over. Now the lines are drawn and we know who is who.
Its become clear who to support and who is past due.
Our petition to put the rezone to a vote will be turned in at the end of this week.
The pdf of the lawsuit is herehttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1JuItfHf8UrYUDrZVY06fwkMvJuIeW41z/view?usp=drivesdk